Friday 5 July 2013

Hormonal Acne

I've always joked about with my brother "If you could choose would you rather have lots of little spots or a massive spot on your face?" Till this day I still dont know what my answer would be. But there is no choice, life is unfair and you are given what you are given. Sometimes harmones takes over and whatever you do or eat to prevent it, cause more acne.

This is me right now. It's extrememly upsetting and heart breaking to see my what-so-ok looking skin turn into such a mess. My question of having lots of little spots or having one big spot was not a question right now. I wished I had lots of little spots or one massive spot right now. But NO I have the combination of both plus worse. I know a lot of acne sufferers may probably have it way worse but now I have soo many little spots and so many big massive one I feel difficult to even look in the mirror. I cant even feel comfortable in my own house when my family is around and I know I shouldnt feel this way.

I'm literally battling with acne right now at the same time I'm trying to have a positive outlook of things, as I know depression and stress will both have a knockon effect in making acne worse. Happiness is a key to good skin. I've always had a hard time with my skin as it is so acne prone but never has it ever been this bad. Its not even like I have a lot of spots on my chin or have a lots on my forehead. Literally my forehead is covered in acne you cant even count, both my cheeks contain multiple disgusting big spots and my chin is infested in whiteheads. Definitely can say my face is throwing a MAHOOSIVE pimple party!!! (nooooo......!!!! :( )

But what can you do when your eating and drinking well, exercising, have a good skincare, good hygeine, etc. Nothing but continue to be even more healthy, do even more exercise, have a even better skincare routine and think positive.

Come on guys we can do it, we can fight acne. It's going to be a battle we all can win, dont let it take over your life and upset you. Acne tends to get worse before it can get better. So dont worry your not alone one day we can all have clear and manageable skin and this day is very soon ^.^

Think Positive!!!

Here's a video i found really helpful :)

Miss Budget Barbie >.<

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