Tuesday 30 April 2013


Hey guys!! :)
Welcome to my blog Miss Budget Barbie.
So a little info on myself first so you guys can get to know me a little bit more. Im a british born Chinese girl who is a student in the UK who is a bit of a BEAUTY JUNKIE!!! I love anything and EVERYTHING beauty related. Over these couple of years I have accumulated many skincare and cosmetic items.
Being a student and only working part time sometimes leads to buying purchases at a low budget. Hence why this blog is named Budget Barbie ;) All my friends always say I buy so much but it only cause I always find cheaper alternatives and search for the best bargains!!! I also love to do a bit of DIY on skincare such as mask and have a great interest in natural and chemical free products (cause I'm a bit of a bionerd B') )
OHHH also love internet shopping as well. Being in the UK and Asian the internet is the best way for me to search for my ultimate obsession. ASIAN SKINCARE! I love how advance Asian skincare and cosmetics are and Asian celebrities always have amazing healthy and youthful skin, it seem like here in the UK we are lacking behind. I will be focusing a LOT of Asian skincare and cosmetics here on this blog and with less than 3 WEEKS till I'm heading to HONG KONG :D I will definitely find some Asian Holy Grail products to take back and share with you guys!!!! YAYYYYY!!
That's all for now :)
Hope to speak to you all very soon
Miss Budget Barbie ^_^