Wednesday 15 May 2013

How to get Rid of Acne Scars

It's as if having acne wasn't bad enough, now your left with a ugly scar to remind you of the pain you went through whilst that pimple was on your face. GREAT!!

This past month I have been busy reaching deadlines for uni and preparing for exams; my face is throwing a massive pimple party in progress. I have been doing ALL the not-to-do's such as staying up late and  eating late and on top of that not getting enough beauty sleep and stressing out over exams!!! Also I'm indulging in my ultimate weakness Shin Ramen noodles. Whose good at math? Spicy + crazy amount of sodium= pimple alert. You don't have to be Einstein to work that one huh! It's like the best combination for pimples to erupt and explode!! :( Also I've picked a few but shhh... don't tell. ( I'm such a rebel, guess I deserves these scars D: )

No need to worry, today I'm going to be sharing with you my secret recipe. It's cheap and effective so look no further. Nothing is better than natural ingredients you can find in your kitchen right? With only 1 more week till I'm away to Hong Kong I'm determined to have acne free skin!!! I CAN DO IT!!

All you need really is green tea and lemon, were going to be making a toner that will brighten and lighten them scars as well as tighten pores and controlling oil production, keeping acne at bay. I'm going to be adding additional ingredient to enhance this toner to achieve maximum results. Natural ingredients is the way forward, my motto is "Whats good enough to eat, is safe enough to put on your face." But saying that I don't mean slap a steak on your face because it's good to eat. Although Korea has introduced many new unusual products to the market such as snail mucus, snake venom and placenta who knows steak may be the next one.

 " I'll have a Aberdeen Angus please...... for my face!!"


Ok back to business, enough of the chit chat. Ingredients you will need is:
  • Lemon- contains natural AHA (Alpha- Hydroxy acid) which removes dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, improving skin tone by revealing brighter, plumper cells underneath. Also filled with vitamin C which encourages collagen production, reducing wrinkles.

  • Green tea- filled with anti oxidants, help soothe problematic skin

  • Dried Rose- is anti- inflammatory, can tighten pores, de-stressing

  • Brown Rice- softens and tone face

  • Cucumber- hydrating, soothes

To make this is very simple:.
  1. Place a green tea bag or leaves into a bowl.
  2. Add 1 dried rose and half a handful of brown rice to the bowl.
  3. Boil water and pour water into the bowl to brew the products (the amount of water is dependent on the size of your container for the storage of this toner).
  4. Whilst you wait, squeeze 1 whole lemon and an inch of a cucumber.
  5. Once the tea is cooled, mix with the lemon and cucumber juice.
  6. Place in the fridge over night.

Your toner is then ready to use. Use morning and night for 2 weeks straight to see result. Results should show after a couple of usage. Always keep the toner in the fridge this will prolong the product and ensures maximum effect of the toner.

After cleansing use a cotton pad with the toner and wipe over face, this can remove any excess dirt left from the cleanser and the remainders of the cleanser, then pour some into the palms of your hand and pat more on. If your scar is dark or if you have an existing pimple, soak a small cotton ball and place in the area for a few minutes. This is also a common techniques used by Asian women. They soak their toner or essence in cotton pads and place all over the face as a mask for maximum absorption. You can also get tablet mask which are plain compressed sheet mask which expand with the application of liquid, this can enhance the progress of lightening  acne scars :D Lemon can also cause the skin to be photo-sensitive so remember to wear sunscreen and for those with sensitive skin I advice you to use less concentrated lemon juice.

Miss Budget Barbie >.<

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